In this paper I shall attempt to explain the role that I believe a University Faculty of Science has to play in the development of a sub-^tropical country such as Zimbabwe.
My brief covers the whole of science but perhaps I may be forgiven if I display a certain bias towards the biological sciences, because that is the ground on which I feel most comfortable. I shall illustrate my thesis by reference to the mode of operation of the Faculty of Science at the University of Zimbabwe.
A lecture paper on the role of the University Science Department in the overall development of the country.
University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications/ University of Oslo (Centre for International Development Studies) (Norway)
Swift,MJ, 1983," Science And Development. In: Development in Zimbabwe: the role of the University: a lecture series at the University of Oslo, June 1st — June 8th, pp. 45-61. 1983. Oslo: Center for International Development Studies, University of Oslo / University of Zimbabwe