Now showing items 401-420 of 482

    • Reconstructing Political Order Among the Somalis: The Historical Record in the South and Centre 

      Leonard, David K.; Samantar, Mohamed (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, January 20)
      The reconstruction of a larger polity in a violence?torn society such as Somalia requires negotiation of a new social contract between the superordinate body and the local units of governance that have provided citizens ...
    • Coordinating Development in Conflict States: Donor Networks in Somalia 

      Schmidt, Anna (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, January 20)
      Aid coordination is part of the governance of public policy, affecting the accountability and effectiveness of aid as well as power relationships. Using the case of Somalia, this article analyses the coordination of aid ...
    • Democracy, Liberty and Montesquieu: Constructing Accountable Order in African Conflict States 

      Leonard, David K. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, January 20)
      Without appropriate institutional checks multiparty democracy can rekindle violent conflicts rather than help to resolve them. The absolutism of ‘imperial presidents’ is at the root of many of Africa's civil wars and the ...
    • The Dynamics of Restraint in Côte d'Ivoire 

      Allouche, Jeremy; Zadi Zadi, Patrick Anderson (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, January 20)
      Research on conflict prevention has mainly focused on the causes of war and post?conflict reconstruction. Our knowledge on how civilians manage to contain violence in unstable and conflict environments is, however, very ...
    • Introduction – Rethinking Impact Evaluation for Development 

      Befani, Barbara; Barnett, Chris; Stern, Elliot (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, November 2)
      This IDS Bulletin is the first of two special issues presenting contributions from the event ‘Impact Innovation and Learning: Towards a Research and Practice Agenda for the Future’, organised by IDS in March 2013. The ...
    • The Triviality of Measuring Ultimate Outcomes: Acknowledging the Span of Direct Influence 

      Ton, Giel; Vellema, Sietze; Ge, Lan (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, November 2)
      Sustainability standards and certification schemes have been promoted as a market?driven instrument for realising development impacts and receive public funding. As a result, companies, NGOs and supporting donors and ...
    • Process Tracing and Contribution Analysis: A Combined Approach to Generative Causal Inference for Impact Evaluation 

      Befani, Barbara; Mayne, John (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, November 2)
      This article proposes a combination of a popular evaluation approach, contribution analysis (CA), with an emerging method for causal inference, process tracing (PT). Both are grounded in generative causality and take a ...
    • Have Development Evaluators Been Fighting the Last War… And If So, What is to be Done? 

      Picciotto, Robert (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, November 2)
      What are the right evaluation methods and what evaluation strategy adapted to contemporary development issues should such methods serve? This article argues that a range of methods and tools must be drawn upon to achieve ...
    • Things you Wanted to Know about Bias in Evaluations but Never Dared to Think 

      Camfield, Laura; Duvendack, Maren; Palmer?Jones, Richard (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, November 2)
      The thrust for evidence?based policymaking has paid little attention to problems of bias. Statistical evidence is more fragile than generally understood, and false positives are all too likely given the incentives of ...
    • Some Thoughts on Development Evaluation Processes 

      Andersen, Ole Winckler (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, November 2)
      A lively methodological debate together with organisational adjustments has dominated the international discussion on development evaluation in the last decade. Less discussed have been the evaluation processes, from ...
    • Making M&E More ‘Impact?oriented’: Illustrations from the UN 

      Vaessen, Jos; Garcia, Oscar; Uitto, Juha I. (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, November 2)
      In international development, impact evaluation (IE) is becoming more and more an institutionalised practice. This article starts out by addressing the question of what institutionalisation of IE means and how it could ...
    • Developing a Research Agenda for Impact Evaluation in Development 

      Rogers, Patricia J.; Peersman, Greet (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, November 2)
      This article sets out what would be required to develop a research agenda for impact evaluation. It begins by explaining why it is needed and what process it would involve. It outlines four areas where research is needed ...
    • Preface 

      Schenker, Harald; Huser, Corinne (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, September )
    • Introduction – Localising Governance: An Outlook on Research and Policy 

      Joshi, Anuradha; Schultze?Kraft, Markus (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, September )
      The past two decades have seen an enormous increase in academic and policy attention to, and engagement with, governance at the sub?national and local levels. Yet, our understanding of the conditions that enable local ...
    • Reading the Local Context: A Causal Chain Approach to Social Accountability 

      Joshi, Anuradha (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, September )
      There is a general consensus that ‘context’ matters for development outcomes, yet we have little understanding of how exactly ‘context’ affects outcomes. This article focuses on the question of ‘context’ in social ...
    • Power Above and Below the Waterline: Bridging Political Economy and Power Analysis 

      Pettit, Jethro; Mejía Acosta, Andrés (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, September )
      The power relations that underlie poverty and exclusion can make or break development programmes, if not understood and addressed at all stages of design and implementation. Political economy and power analysis represent ...
    • Power, Violence, Citizenship and Agency 

      McGee, Rosemary (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, September )
      Peace-building, state-building and democratisation efforts often focus strongly on the state, and follow the Weberian logic of states holding the monopoly of the legitimate use of violence. In doing so, they may be neglecting ...
    • Beyond Ballotocracy: Citizens' Voices and the Many Faces of Unruly Politics 

      Tadros, Mariz (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, September )
      This article is an empirical account of how modes of capturing citizen voices from above (via elections) diverged with expressions of citizen dissidence from below (through unruly politics), leading to a disjuncture between ...
    • Devolving the Power to Divide: Sectarian Relations in Egypt (2011–12) 

      Tadros, Mariz (© 2014 Institute of Development Studies, September )
      This article is about decentralisation and social cohesion in religiously heterogeneous communities in times of political transition. Post?Mubarak Egypt is taken as a case study involving the informal devolution of power ...