Now showing items 61-80 of 6235

    • The changing age ecology of measles and its implications on measles control 

      Marufu, T. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1992-06)
      World-wide an estimated two million children die from measles and its complications every year.1 Severe measles is limited geographically to developing countries where it is unquestionably one of the most prevalent and ...
    • Community perception of mosquitoes, malaria and its control in Binga and Gokwe Districts, Zimbabwe 

      Masendu, H.T.; Sharp, B.L.; Appleton, C.C.; Chandiwana, S.K.; Chitono, C. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1997-03)
      The success of community participation in primary health care depends on the peoples’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to the diseases that affect them. Given the changing health care delivery system in ...
    • Empyema in children: a review of fifty-two cases 

      Mahalu, W.; Nathoo, K.J. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1992-04)
      A prospective study was undertaken to assess the clinical pattern, management and outcome in children admitted with empyema at Harare Hospital. Fifty-two children were seen and followed up during the three-year period, ...
    • The role of agricultural resource base inventories in national and regional planning 

      Walsh, M.; Samki, J.; Kamwendo, H. (Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension; UZ/MSU Food Security Research in Southern Africa Project, 1988)
      Developing a regional inventory involves collecting, cataloguing, and presenting information about national agricultural resources, using a standardised approach to data gathering, classification, and presentation. The ...
    • Child survival in a rural area in Zimbabwe: are we winning? 

      Tumwine, J.K.; Mackenzie, S. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1992-01)
      Health teams in a rural district in Zimbabwe have been implementing child survival programmes since 1984. A prospective study of the causes of morbidity and mortality in under-five children was done. Community based surveys ...
    • The African agricultural labour supply crisis, 1924-1928 

      Steele, M. (Department of Economic History; University of Zimbabwe, 1973-08-14)
      This seminar paper analyses a significant episode in the history of African labour in Rhodesia. It is based on a study of general labour policy which comprised a chapter of a doctoral thesis, The foundations of a "Native''' ...
    • A comparative study of the schizontocidal efficacy and safety of artemether versus chloroquine in uncomplicated malaria 

      Simooya, O.; Mutetwa, S.; Chandiwana, S.; Neill, P.; Mharakurwa, S.; Stein, M. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ), 1992-07)
    • Measles complications: the importance of their management in reducing mortality attributed to measles 

      Marufu, T.; Siziya, S.; Murugasampillay, S.; Mason, E.; Manyame, B.; Tshimanga, M. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1997-06)
      Measles is among the commonest and most serious disease conditions in childhood accounting for an estimated 1.4 million measles deaths annually.1-2 However, in recent years measles deaths have been declining world wide. ...
    • A clinical assessment of the consequences of alcohol consumption in ‘communal’ drinkers in the Zimbabwean Midlands 

      Lutalo, S.K.; Mabonga, N. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1992-09)
      It is true, a medical history is incomplete without inquiring into the history of alcohol intake. The range of medical diseases associated with excessive alcohol consumption are well known. There are also several established ...
    • Advances in lymphoma treatment 

      Levy, L.M.; Sonqishe, M. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1992-03)
      The field of lymphoma therapy has proved to be one of the most rapidly developing areas in medicine. During the past two to three decades, greater understanding of the histological patterns and disease processes has led ...
    • Multicentre study of the treatment of primary liver cancer in Africa with two anthracycline drugs 

      Kiire, C.F.; Gombe-Mbalawa, C.; Tsega, E.; Luande, J.; Menenses, L.V.; Okoth, J.; Olweny, C.L.M.; Holland, J. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University College of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe), 1992-11)
      Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is among the twelve commonest cancers affecting mankind. In tropical Africa HCC is the most common malignant tumor, particularly among men. In Kyadondo County of Uganda the incidence rate is ...
    • Carcinoma of the cervix and cervical cytology: a short epidemiological review 

      King, C.S. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1992-05)
      Carcinoma of the cervix is an important disease of well-documented epidemiology but uncertain cause. It causes appreciable morbidity and mortality in all countries, including Zimbabwe, with a significant load on curative ...
    • The role of non-farm activities in the rural economy 

      Kilby, P.; Liedholm, C. (Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension; UZ/MSU Food Security Research in Southern Africa Project, 1988)
      This paper draws upon recent research, to delineate the non-farm rural economy; its magnitude, its anatomy, and how it changes over time. We present evidence that non-farm activities not only make a major welfare contribution ...
    • Norplant in Zimbabwe: preliminary report 

      Kasule, J.; Chipato, T.; Zinanga, A.; Maigurira, J.; Mbizvo, M.; Maigurira, J. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1992-08)
      During an ongoing study of a pre-introduction trial of Norplant in Zimbabwe, 197 women had the subdermal implant of six capsules containing levonorgestrel inserted between June and December 1991, atParirenyatwa, Harare ...
    • Schistosomiasis of the testis 

      Ihekwaba, F.N. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1992-03)
      Schistosomiasis rarely affects the testis in man. In Africa, this is usually as a complication of infestation of the lower urinary tact by the S. haematobium. Although Dew has reported his early observations on the pathology ...
    • The ecology of fish eating birds and their impact on the inshore fisheries of Lake Kariba 

      Hustler, Kit (University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Publications., 1997)
      Most fish-eating species which were present in the middle Zambezi valley before inundation still occur on the lake (Donnelly and Donnelly 1983) and only those which occupied specialized habitats now lost through flooding ...
    • Sentinel surveillance identifies a high HIV prevalence in population in Zimbabwe 

      Herminez, M.L.; Mbizvo, M.T. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1997-04)
      Sero-surveillance of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and analysis of the patterns and temporal trends of the acquired immunodeficiency disease (AIDS) epidemic assist in planning for its impact and the continued ...
    • Hepatitis C virus in Zimbabwe 

      Gangaidzo, I.T.; Moyo, V.M.; Khumalo, H.; Saungweme, T.; Zar Gomo; Rouault, T.; Gordeuk, V.R. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM) , University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1997-05)
      Liver disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in Zimbabwe, accounting for more than six per cent of the deaths in three medical wards of Harare Central Hospital (IT Gangaidzo, 1994, unpublished observations). ...
    • Booked and unbooked mothers delivering at Harare Maternity Hospital Zimbabwe: a comparison of maternal characteristics and foetal outcome 

      Fawcus, R.S.; Crowther, C.A.; Van Baelen, P.; Marumaiioko, J. (Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University of Zimbabwe (UZ.), 1992-10)
      This study was prompted by the poor maternal and foetal outcome at Harare Maternity Hospital, Zimbabwe, in unbooked mothers compared to women who had booked for antenatal care. Comparison was made of 195 recently delivered ...
    • In the eye of a storm: "the impact of the economic slowdown on the labour market in Zambia" 

      ZIPAR (Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis & Research, 2016-06)
      This Discussion paper is part of ZIPAR’s Flagship project on “More and Better Jobs”. The Flagship Project was launched on 25th June 2015 and is running for 18 months. The project will develop an understanding of Zambia’s ...