Now showing items 221-240 of 490

    • Review of Tax Treaty Practices and Policy Framework in Africa 

      Mutava, Catherine Ngina (Institute of Development Studies, 2020-06-23)
      Tax treaties are agreements through which two countries agree to assign and restrict taxing rights on economic activities that span both countries. They were traditionally concluded mainly to avoid double taxation and ...
    • The Taxation of the Digitalised Economy: An African Study 

      Ndajiwo, Mustapha (Institute of Development Studies, 2020-06-17)
      The advent of digitalised business models has considerable potential to improve trade in Africa, however, it has greatly exacerbated the two central challenges of international tax. The first challenge is the definition ...
    • Assessing the Performance of African Tax Administrations: A Malawian Puzzle 

      Ligomeka, Waziona (IDS, 2020-05-28)
      When judged by the standard criteria for effective tax administration, as carried out under the Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT), the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) appears to perform very poorly, ...
    • De-Linking Tobacco Taxation and Illicit Trade in Africa 

      Gallien, Max (IDS, 2020-05-21)
      Smoking tobacco has been much less common traditionally in Africa than in Europe or North America. But this is changing. As Africa has become a growth market for the tobacco industry, adverse health effects are increasingly ...
    • Addressing the Challenges of Taxation of the Digital Economy: Lessons for African Countries 

      Rukundo, Solomon (IDS, 2020-05-18)
      The rapid growth of the digital economy in many African countries poses serious challenges to traditional tax regimes. Revenue authorities must protect their revenue base without hindering the development and use of new ...
    • Active Ghosts: Nil-filing in Rwanda 

      Mascagni, Giulia; Santoro, Fabrizio; Mukama, Denis; Karangwa, John; Hakizimana, Napthal (IDS, 2020-05-15)
      Nil-filing refers to taxpayers who report zero on all fields of their tax declaration. It is a largely ignored phenomenon in the tax literature, despite being well known to tax administrators. There is almost no evidence ...
    • Mining Taxation in Africa: What Recent Evolution in 2018? 

      Bouterige, Yannick; de Quatrebarbes, Céline; Laporte, Bertrand (Institute of Development Studies, 2020-03-26)
      The extractive sector is of primary importance to African states. Of the 54 countries on the continent, 20 are considered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to be rich in natural resources. These are countries whose ...
    • Fuel Subsidy Reform and the Social Contract in Nigeria: a Micro-economic Analysis 

      McCulloch, Neil; Moerenhout, Tom; Yang, Joonseok (Institute of Development Studies, 2020-03-26)
      Fuel subsidies in Nigeria are enormous. At last estimate, the state subsidises gasoline to the tune of USD 3.9 billion — almost double the entire health budget. Subsidies exist because the government fixes the price of ...
    • Taxation of Self-Employed Professionals in Africa: Three Lessons from a Kenyan Case Study 

      Ogembo, Daisy (Institute of Development Studies, 2020-03-25)
      We currently know very little about the taxation of professionals in Africa – scholarly work on this group of taxpayers is scant. The little research that does exist is located within the literature on the taxation of the ...
    • The Customer is King: Evidence on VAT Compliance in Tanzania 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Kagoma, Cecilia; Mdee, Ephraim; Hoem Sjursen, Ingrid; Somville, Vincent (Elsevier Ltd., 2020-04)
      Value Added Tax (VAT) has emerged as one of the main modes of raising tax revenue worldwide, but has significantly underperformed as a revenue source in African countries. To improve compliance, Tanzania has introduced ...
    • Corporate Tax Negotiations at the OECD: What's at Stake for Developing Countries in 2020? 

      Hearson, Martin (Institute of Development Studies, 2020-02-05)
      We could be in the midst of the biggest change to the way multinational companies are taxed in decades. In January 2019, over 130 developed and developing countries committed to ‘go beyond’ some of the fundamental principles ...
    • Addressing the Challenges of Taxation of the Digital Economy: Lessons for African Countries 

      Rukundo, Solomon (IDS, 2020-01-27)
      The rapid growth of the digital economy in many African countries has led to concerns about whether their tax regimes are equipped to deal with this new phenomenon. The shift from a traditional bricks and mortar commercial ...
    • Fuel Subsidy Reform and the Social Contract in Nigeria: a Micro-economic Analysis 

      McCulloch, Neil; Moerenhout, Tom; Yang, Joonseok (IDS, 2020-01-24)
      Fuel subsidies in Nigeria are enormous. At last estimate, the state subsidises petrol to the tune of US$3.9 billion – almost double the entire health budget. Such subsidies come at great cost: the opportunity costs of such ...
    • Modelling Improvements to Property Tax Collection: The Case of Addis Ababa 

      Carolini, Gabriella Y.; Gelaye, Fitsum; Khan, Kadeem (IDS, 2020-01-24)
      Efforts to reform property tax systems in African cities tend to focus more on how to value properties for purposes of tax assessment than on how to better collect taxes due. The same is true of the literature on property ...
    • Small Business Owners and Corporate Tax Responsibility in Nigeria: An Exploratory Study 

      Amaeshi, Kenneth; Adi, Bongo; Ikiebey, Godson (IDS, 2020-01-13)
      This study explores how small business owners talk about their tax responsibility, especially in non-enabling institutional contexts. It identifies two main types of tax responsibility discourses amongst these business ...
    • Democratisation in Tanzania: No Elections Without Tax Exemptions 

      Therkildsen, Ole; Bak, Ane Karoline (IDS, 2019-12-16)
      A demand-supply framework has been developed and applied to Tanzania to explore the link between democratisation, economic liberalisation and the use of tax exemptions to fund political parties’ electoral campaigns. In ...
    • How Effective has the TADAT Framework Been in Improving Tax Administration in Uganda? 

      Akol, Doris; Magumba, Margaret; Loke, Patrick; Nalukwago Isingoma, Milly; Kaidu, Tina (IDS, 2019-12-16)
      In 2013 the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in conjunction with other development partners, introduced the Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) to aid assessment of the performance of tax administrations ...
    • Review of Tax Treaty Practices and Policy Framework in Africa 

      Mutava, Catherine Ngina (IDS, 2019-12-16)
      In recent years, tax treaties concluded by sub-Saharan African countries have become more residence-based with fewer provisions allocating taxing rights to the source countries. This trend is observed in treaties signed ...
    • Simplifying Property Tax Administration in Africa: Piloting a Points-Based Valuation in Freetown, Sierra Leone 

      Grieco, Kevin; Bakarr Kamara, Amou; Meriggi, Niccoló F.; Michel, Julian; Prichard, Wilson; Stewart-Wilson, Graeme (IDS, 2019-11-28)
      The current method of property valuation in Freetown, Sierra Leone is highly inaccurate and generally regressive, as it does not take subjective property characteristics that are major determinants of value into account. ...
    • Tax Evasion and Missing Imports: Evidence from Transaction-Level Data 

      Mengistu, Andualem T.; Molla, Kiflu G.; Mascagni, Giulia (IDS, 2019-10-22)
      Tax evasion is typically very hard, if not impossible, to measure. In the case of trade flows however, it is possible to capture it thanks to “missing imports”: the difference between the total value of exports recorded ...