Now showing items 61-74 of 74

    • Assistive Technologies in Developing Countries 

      Rohwerder, Brigitte (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-03-01)
      Assistive technologies enable people to live healthy, productive, independent and dignified lives, yet most people who need them are currently unable to access them. This rapid review looks at examples of existing literature ...
    • Supporting Persons with Disabilities in Somalia 

      Manku, Kiran (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-01-23)
      The purpose of this report is to identify how persons with disabilities can be included in humanitarian and development programmes in Somalia. There is little data on persons with disabilities in Somalia, therefore this ...
    • Disability in Somalia 

      Rohwerder, Brigitte (Institute of Development Studies, 2018-01-19)
      People with disabilities have been identified as a particularly marginalised and at risk group within Somali society as a result of the numerous attitudinal, environmental, and institutional barriers they face, and the ...
    • Disability Inclusive Humanitarian Response 

      Rohwerder, Brigitte (Humanitarian Learning Centre, 2017-12-01)
      The World Report on Disability estimates that about 15 per cent of the world’s population have some form of disability, with disability prevalence likely to increase as a result of ageing populations and the global ...
    • Impact of childhood screening for disability/impairment on education and learning 

      Rohwerder, Brigitte (Institute of Development Studies, 2017-10-06)
      Evidence indicates that disability is a leading cause of marginalisation in education, with enrolment, primary school completion and literacy rates consistently falling below those of non-disabled children, as children ...
    • Disability Prevalence and Trends 

      Thompson, Stephen (Institute of Development Studies, 2017-08-25)
      This report provides a rapid review of the evidence that exists regarding the global trends and disability prevalence. The evidence included was found using a desk-based internet search. Additional sources were suggested ...
    • Women and Girls with Disabilities in Conflict and Crises 

      Rohwerder, Brigitte (Institute of Development Studies, 2017-01-16)
      People with disabilities have been found to ‘form one of the most socially excluded groups in any displaced or conflict-affected community’ (Pearce et al, 2016: 119). They may have difficulty accessing humanitarian ...
    • Disability in Syria 

      Thompson, Stephen (Institute of Development Studies, 2017-03-08)
      This rapid review is based on 5 days of desk-based research. It is designed to provide a brief overview of the key issues, and a summary of pertinent evidence found within the time permitted. The literature was identified ...
    • Education for Children with Disabilities 

      Thompson, Stephen (Institute of Development Studies, 2017-05-26)
      This report provides a rapid literature review of the evidence on what data and evidence exists, to identify, categorise and support children with disabilities to access education and achieve measurable learning outcomes ...
    • The Work and Livelihoods of Persons with Disabilities in Uganda: Market-Based Solutions for the Extreme Poor Project 

      Peer Research Group: (Institute of Development Studies, 2016-06)
      This document presents the analysis of research carried out by persons with disabilities in two localities in Uganda, using a life story analysis method. The research explored their experiences of work and their ability ...
    • Participatory Livelihoods Mapping with Persons with Disabilities in Uganda 

      Ghore, Yogesh (IDS, 2016-07)
      This report provides the livelihoods mapping analysis of persons with disabilities at two locations in Uganda. The research explores different assets/capital endowments (human, social, physical, financial, and natural) ...
    • Disability Inclusion 

      Rohwerder, Brigitte (GSDRC and IDS, 2015-12-03)
      This guide summarises some of the most rigorous available evidence on the key debates and challenges of disability inclusion in development and humanitarian response.
    • Including People with Disabilities in Emergency Relief Efforts 

      Oosterhoff, P; Kett, M (IDS, 2014-11)
      The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 15 per cent of the world’s population, or one billion people, have some form of disability. According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 80 per ...
    • Disability: Making CLTS Fully Inclusive 

      Wilbur, Jane; Jones, Hazel (IDS, 2014-07)
      CLTS aims at total sanitation. For that it has to be inclusive. There are ethical reasons for this, but the bottom line is that while any open defecation continues, all are affected. This issue of Frontiers of CLTS ...