Recent Submissions

  • Editorial 

    L., R. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
  • The Development of Development Thinking 

    Sunkel, Osvaldo (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
    Summary This article examines some of the main trends in the evolution of development thinking over the last 25 years or so, from three main perspectives: the nature of the political economies that constitute the object ...
  • Inter?Regional Cooperation in the Social Sciences: The Latin American Experience 

    Oteiza, Enrique (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
    Summary The development of the Latin American social sciences in the last three decades has been affected by serious imbalances. At the beginning of the 1960s intra?regional links between research and training institutes ...
  • The Third World Professional and Collective Self?Reliance—Towards the Barefoot Accountant? 

    Godfrey, Martin (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
    Summary The economic recession of the last few years has reduced the volume of migration of Third World professionals, affording an opportunity to consider the underlying question: the nature of the professions and of ...
  • Militarism: Arms and the Internationalisation of Capital 

    Luckham, Robin (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
    Summary Prospects for disarmament must be assessed against a trend of rising arms spending and military influence in the Third World, associated with economic and military penetration by the central countries. Technical ...
  • Media Professionalism: Dependence on Rich Country Models 

    O'Brien, Rita Cruise (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
    Summary Information flows, and the mass media in particular, form part of the mechanism whereby developing countries are incorporated into the world capitalist system. Information transfers and the development of broadcasting ...
  • Labour and the Export of Jobs 

    Bienefeld, Manfred; Godfrey, Martin (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
    Summary Should the emergence of some less developed countries as exporters of manufactured goods be welcomed, or does it mean the end of full employment and of the upward trend in real wages for workers in the metropolitan ...
  • News, Information and The New International Order 

    O'Brien, Rita Cruise (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
    Summary In 1976 the circulation and control of information became an issue on the agenda of The New International Order. Steps were taken at the Conference of Non?Aligned States in Colombo to start a news pool, to be used ...
  • Inside the Company: CIA Diary 

    Seers, Dudley (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
    Summary The material in Philip Agee's book on the CIA shows that the Agency's influence is too great to be ignored by social scientists of any discipline. On the other hand, this influence should not be exaggerated ...
  • Lonrho Revisited: Witch?hunt, Crusade, Quest for El Dorado, Road to Darien? 

    Green, Reginald Herbold (Institute of Development Studies, 01/03/1977)
    Summary Documents now emerging oh the Lonrho controversy shed little light on the economic impact of the company on its host countries. The British government's official investigation reveals the unsatisfactory state of ...