Recent Submissions

  • Editorial 

    Unknown author (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
  • The Crisis of Collectivisation: Socialist Development and the Peasantry 

    Selden, Mark (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    summary This article argues that the most promising elements of Marxist?Leninist writings pointed to a gradual approach to collectivisation and transition to large?scale socialist agriculture. This legacy was distorted ...
  • The Transition to Socialist Agriculture in Cuba: Some Salient Features 

    Pollitt, Brian H. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    summary This article describes the extensive socialisation of land and means of production in Cuban agriculture over the period 1959–80. Emphasis is placed on the strategy to increase sugar production and exports for ...
  • Soviet Agriculture since Khrushchev – Decentralisation and Dirigisme 

    Dyker, D. A. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    summary This article studies the efforts of the Soviet Government to redress the balance of developmental policies which favoured industry at the expense of agriculture. Particular attention is paid to the search for more ...
  • Collective and Family Agriculture in Socialist Economies 

    Dong, Nguyen Huu (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    summary This article analyses existing theories concerning the relationship between private and collective agricultural sectors in socialist economies with special reference to Vietnam. Dong argues that the household ...
  • China's New Agricultural Revolution 

    Gray, Jack (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    summary Changes in Chinese agricultural organisation since 1978 have centred on the replacement of direct, unified management of agricultural labour by a system of contracts offered by the collective management to groups ...
  • Socialist Transformation of Agriculture and Gender Relations: the Vietnamese Case 

    White, Christine Pelzer (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    summary The author argues, on the basis of a case study of Vietnam, that socialist transformation of agriculture can be neither successful nor adequately understood without an analysis of gender aspects of production ...
  • Socialist Household Production: Some Implications of the New ‘Responsibility System’ in China 

    Hazard, Barbara P. (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    summary One form of the ‘responsibility system’ recently introduced in the Chinese countryside grants households on a contractual basis the right to the use of land or other means of production owned by the production ...
  • Prices and the Transformation of Peasant Agriculture: the Tanzanian Case 

    Ellis, Frank (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    summary This contribution examines the relationship of agricultural price policy to changes put into effect in the organisation of the peasant economy in Tanzania during the 1970s. Attention is directed, within the wider ...
  • Peasant Associations and Agrarian Reform in Ethiopia 

    Bekele, Dawit (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    summary In setting up peasant associations to implement the Land Reform Bill, the Ethiopian Government intended to redistribute land equally, set up local government institutions and foster the transition to socialism ...
  • Agricultural Crises in sub?Saharan Africa: Capitalism and Transitions to Socialism 

    Green, Reginald Herbold (Institute of Development Studies, 01/09/1982)
    Summary Growth in agricultural output in sub?Saharan Africa was unsatisfactory regionally and in most countries during the 1970s. Production capacity in many cases was not the central factor in that performance. Neither ...